2020 Obsidian Wine Co. “Pear Blanc”

We sourced fresh Bartlett pears from Lake County that were picked on September 1st, 2020—the county is known far and wide as growers of the finest pears on the West Coast. The other side of this coin is our Sauvignon Blanc, which we have made from the Kelsey Bench for years. That fruit came into the winery the day before the pears, August 31st. They wanted to be close to each other straight out. The pears were pulped and juiced and then fermented in steel drums for 21 days. The Sauvignon Blanc was fermented in a stainless steel tank, slow and steady to keep all the lovely aromatics of lychee and tropical fruit. Sometime in November, after the winery grew quiet post-harvest, the two tanks started playing footsie and engaged in long stares...it was meant to be! We’re not ones to deny love, so we took 60 gallons of the Sauvignon Blanc and 60 gallons of Perry and blended them together. We added a touch of sweetness for carbonation and bottled it up. A love story for the ages.
Casey Graybehl, Winemaker