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Fall is Magnum season

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Join us for a 'Volcanic Journey'

Over twenty years ago, we planted a vineyard on an old, abandoned walnut orchard nearly 3,000 feet high in the Mayacamas Mountains of California. We soon discovered that we were farming on a volcano, on a ridge of solid black obsidian glass. A few years ago, we again ventured northward to explore the volcanic vineyards of Oregon and Washington. 

'Volcanic Journey' is our 12-minute documentary film about our personal exploration of volcanics of the West Coast of America, and the viticulturists and geologists we met along the way. Our goal is not only to introduce you to our new Triple Junction Volcanic Red, but more importantly to start a conversation about what makes these volcanic sites and wines distinct. 

We invite you to join us on an exploration of these wild places, to challenge the traditional boundaries and designations, and to imagine the next generation of West Coast wines.

Volcanic Journey Two-Minute Trailer


Thanks to our many partners in this journey; the geologists-Kevin Pogue, Alan Busacca, and Phil Mooney--who educated and inspired us and gave so generously of their time. The growers and winemakers who shared their local knowledge and outstanding wines with us at Analemma, Mt. Hood Winery, Sno Road Winery, as well as the many collaborators we work with to create Triple Junction who were unable to be in the film. And thanks to the creative crew who braved small planes and windy cliffs to capture these beautiful places.

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