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Fall is Magnum season

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Travelers: Peter Molnar, Arpad Molnar, Michael Terrien, Alex Beloz,  Team Obsidian

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Twenty years—a generation. It’s difficult to believe but this spring we celebrate Obsidian Wine Co.’s 20th anniversary. In 2003, we bottled our first 98 cases of Obsidian Estate Cabernet for the purposes of highlighting Obsidian Ridge Vineyard, which we had just planted in an old abandoned walnut orchard that had no appellation attached to it, and absolutely zero reputation to speak of. People wondered.

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, only 21% of companies survive to see their 20th anniversary (and only 12% past the 26th anniversary—yipes!). As the years progressed, hopeful youth gave way to wiser middle-age, and we settled into our own skin, comfortable with who we are and why we exist. The climate changed, and so did we. People noticed.

With Age Comes Wisdom

Why does this matter to you, dear reader? At the risk of being less than humble: we’re more experienced, and therefore better. We learned how to farm that volcanic mountain vineyard, after some painful lessons that nature delivered to us. We built our own winery, now 100% solar powered. We opened a tasting room. We built a team of passionate entrepreneurs, each experts in their own craft. Better understanding of climate, soil, viticulture, winemaking, hospitality, heck even labeling and naming (we took the long way around on that one). Better wine. People followed.

We had one leg up when we started—this year also marks the 50th anniversary of our experience growing grapes (hard to make good wine without good fruit). We are the second generation that built upon the work of the first, who planted our seaside Poseidon Vineyard in 1973. Their learning curve was painful too…ask us about plowing topsoil off the property in the early days.

We're Celebrating with New Wines

2023 will mark a break-out year for us. After the past few years, we’re brimming with energy and vitality and have not one but two new wines that we have the privilege to share with you. The first, known as “The Leaf,” you’ll have to ask us directly about, as it’s only for those of you who are paying close attention (in the form of reading this far, perhaps). The second, releasing later this year, is called “Triple Junction” and it breaks even more new volcanic ground.

Twenty Fifty. 20/50. Sort of a nice ring to it. We hope to wear it well and keep looking forward. We know that without you we would have been in the other 79%. You have our deep gratitude, and we celebrate this year in partnership with you.

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